Hi! I’m Robin. That’s me up there in the picture. A HUGE welcome. I’m so happy you’re here.

A few short words about me. I have a wonderful career that I love. I’m the mom of three amazing young adults, two dogs, and two cats. Although, that last part is negotiable? I have two cats, but only three eyes and one tail amongst them. You figure out that math. I keep it real, am a contagious optimist and I run with scissors as often as possible. Lastly, I adore my crazy, amazing life.

How it all began

I began this journey by accident. It was what I call the amazing “perfect storm” in the best sense of the term. Recently divorced (down to a single income) three kids going off to college at the same time (empty nest syndrome didn’t appeal to me) and I was looking for simple, effective ways to increase business and add income in our brick and mortar company without having to spend more time in the office, sacrificing my time with family, and freedom from doing those things we enjoy away from the office. Lucky for me I love to learn, and so the journey began.

Through many twists, turns, switchbacks and “s” curves, wrong roads traveled and dead ends, I finally learned what I set out to learn. The big surprise for me was the other thing that I learned, and that was just how much I enjoyed the world of online marketing, and I wanted to learn more. Not only did I enjoy it, but I also increased my bank account, I had a lot of fun with it, I grew as a person, and I knew I wanted to teach others how they too could live and love their “life”-style in the world of network marketing.

Walk This Way

So here we are on this journey together. I’m here to support and encourage you, as I share tips, tricks, and how-to’s to save you from the time, U-turns, and dead ends that I traveled on my journey. I’m here to guide you to create an exceptional business and an extraordinary “life”-S.T.Y.L.E. We all have the potential to be great and do amazing things. With the proper tools and know-how, it makes reaching that potential so much easier and a LOT more fun.

I’m honored and humbled that you have joined me on this journey.